meditation and mindfulness TRAINING

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

— Rumi



photo depicting a wooden walkway on the water leading to a wooden platform in the middle of a mountain lake surrounded by evergreen trees

Life can be hectic, filled with stress and constant demands, leaving you overwhelmed and disconnected. Many seek inner peace and balance in the chaos, yearning for tranquility and self-discovery.

If you're exploring mindfulness and meditation as a path to reduce stress and foster self-awareness, you're not alone. These practices offer tools to navigate life with confidence and calm.

Your journey with mindfulness and meditation is a voyage toward emotional well-being and a deeper connection with the world.

I'm here to guide you on this transformative path, helping you integrate these practices into your daily life.

photo of a mountain lake overlayed in beautiful blue hues and tones


  • Learn how to meditate; perhaps by exploring different styles to find one that works for you.

  • Build a daily practice or deepen an existing one.

  • Find moments of inner peace and calm amidst life's chaos.

  • Reduce stress and anxiety through mindfulness practices.

  • Enhance your self-awareness and emotional well-being.

photo of a person standing on rocks during the in-coming tide with arms outstretched



whether you’re new or experienced, explore inner transformation thru meditation and mindfulness

You yearn to feel calm, to find your inner source of strength, and to gain relief from stress.

We all crave moments of serenity and the feeling of "being centered" — a term I use to describe unwavering inner confidence and tranquility.

In meditation and mindfulness training, we'll explore techniques to cultivate inner balance and thoughtful responses to life's challenges.

With over 30 years of meditation practice and prior teaching experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge to these practices, drawing from various approaches to tailor methods to your unique needs.

Through our collaborative journey, we'll work to cultivate inner peace and emotional harmony, equipping you with valuable tools to navigate life's challenges and find the balance and tranquility you seek.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Meditation and mindfulness training are practices that help individuals become more present and aware of their thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. These techniques promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

  • Not at all! Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, our sessions are tailored to meet your needs. We'll start at your comfort level and gradually progress as you become more familiar with the practices.

  • During our sessions, we'll explore various meditation and mindfulness techniques designed to enhance your self-awareness and inner peace. You'll learn how to focus your mind, regulate your breathing, and develop techniques to manage stress and anxiety.

    We won’t be sitting on the floor and you don’t need to wear any special clothing like gym or yoga clothes. Indeed, all my clients typically come to these sessions during their work day and are in office attire.

  • The timeline for experiencing benefits can vary from person to person. Some individuals notice positive changes after just a few sessions, while others may require more time. Consistency and practice are key to realizing the full benefits.

  • Absolutely. Meditation and mindfulness have been shown to effectively reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and manage a variety of emotional and mental health concerns. We can tailor the sessions to address your specific needs and goals.

meditation and mindfulness